Rest in the rainy night

A short creative writing exersise in peaceful descriptions

I just wanted to describe a peaceful room here. I might use it to begin something else later on, but idk.

The Thing:

The rain gently fell against the windows of the vacant room, the sound filling the spaces within. Inside, lit by the diffused moonlight through the clouds and the warm lamps of the streets, the room carried a gentle and relaxed atmosphere. A wide couch, custom built to unfold into a bed if so desired, rest against the longest window, a small side table positioned next to it. Proceeding through the room north there was a transparent set of double doors, lightly shaking in the wind, forming a barrier from the interior to the small veranda outside.

Southernly, the room made a 90 degree turn to the west, with a large work desk positioned in the corner, covered in papers, textbooks, and small mechanical components. The western portion of the room, more narrow than the northern, served as a simple walkway, with a door to a bathroom on its south side and an empty doorway to a kitchen at the end, the northern side serving as an overlook for the stairway up and into the room. At the base of the stairway was a single door, made of Elderwend Oak and polished finely. It stood there firmly, marking the segregation between the apartment and that which was not.